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Cape Verde

The cape-verdian system of Intellectual Property is still in its development stages.

Up till 2010 it has been managed by Industry and Energy Ministry, at which point the Cape Verde Intellectual Property Office was created, and started its operations in 2011.

Despite the still not automatized operation proceedures of the Cape Verde Office, the relation we maintain with associated firms in this jurisdiction allows us to provide effective responses to requests that reach us.

You can find below some details regarding IP protection in Cape Verde

Classification Filing System Nice Multiclass
Filing Requirements The applicant information; legalized power of attorney at the Cape Verde embassy or legalization by apostille; with translation in Portuguese
Opposition period 2 months
Examination type A formal examination, an examination of distinctiveness
Time from filing to registration 24 months
Renewal 10 years from the date of grant

Contact us if you would like more information on this jurisdiction.