Lawyer, Official Industrial Property Attorney, European Mandatary before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and Official Representative before the European Patent Office.
Lawyer. Official Industrial Property Attorney. Graduated in Law at the Universidade Católica de Lisboa in 2004. She has been a member of the bar since 2006. Joined the team at Gastão Cunha Ferreira in 2010. Post-Graduation in Intellectual Property through the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Católica de Lisboa. Attended several courses in this subject, namely the Post-Graduation in Information Society Law, at the Faculdade de Direito of the Universidade de Lisboa and the Post-Graduation in Pharmacy and Medicine Law at the Faculdade de Direito de Coimbra. During her professional career, she has been providing legal advice in the various subjects of Intellectual Property, Copyright and New Technologies, either on pre-litigation or litigation stage . She has also been dedicated to the representation of judicial disputes, namely, counterfeiting cases of trademarks and designs, conflicts between trademarks and companies and domain names, unfair competition and copyright infringement, among others.