Searching for continuance in improvement

Customer Satisfaction Survey

We want to always live up to the challenges that we face in our daily activities.

This form was created with the purpose of gathering and collecting information and work experience with the firm Gastão Cunha Ferreira. Our goal is to continually improve the quality of our services, and we would like to thank you for your cooperation.

By filling out this form, you are assisting us in identifying the best way to serve our customers and partners. All the information in this form is optional, and you can choose not to identify yourself.


Context questions

Service and Image Very satisfied Satisfied Indifferent Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Ease on telephonic access:
Speed and efficiency in the delivery of the matter:
Friendliness and courtesy of employees:
Corporate image:
Presentation and accuracy of administrative documents:
Service Quality Very satisfied Satisfied Indifferent Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Competence and expertise of our consultants:
Timely response given by our consultants:
Effectiveness in resolving questions / problems:
Speed and accuracy in the execution of your instructions:
Appropriateness of the presented solutions to your needs:
Clarity on the information given:
Rigor in deadlines and term dates:
Financial aspects Very satisfied Satisfied Indifferent Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Clarity of the price in the service performed:
Competitiveness on prices charged:
Consistency between the budgeted figures and amounts charged:
Global Evaluation Very satisfied Satisfied Indifferent Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
What is your overall level of satisfaction with Gastão Cunha Ferreira?


Legal notice

The data collected in the present form will be processed and stored in digital and physical support.

Gastão da Cunha Ferreira, Lda. is the responsible entitie for the personal data treatment.

The supplied information will be treated confidentially and used exclusively for quality of service assessment and improvement.

Gastão Cunha Ferreira may transmit your data to outsourced companies with regards to the above mentioned procedures.

In term of the applicable law, it is granted to the owner of the data the possibility to access, rectify or update his/her information, upon written request addressed to the entity responsible for the data treatment and sent by mail to Rua dos Bacalhoeiros 4, 1100-070 Lisbon or by email sent to [email protected].

I have read and accepted the terms related to the confidentiality of the private data

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