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Intangible asset valuation

The value on an intangible asset

The intangibility of a certain asset, the fact of it being immaterial, not having substance, is not a condition for it not possessing value.

A patent can be valued, traded, licensed.

A trademark, while an intangible asset, also has the capacity to generate wealth and can be valued and traded.

Trademarks and patens are valuable assets and ofter the base for a sustainable business.

Complying with the norm NCRF 6 and ISO 10668:2010, we have developed a method that collects inputs and delivers relevant outputs, according to the methodology used in the specific matter.

On the subject of Trademark valuation its intrinsic value represents the brand value before the market, according to two different types of valuation: valuation "Value Plus" based on a bidimensional model that integrates two measuring standards: financial and legal on an IP basis. More thorough, the valuation model "Value Premium" analyses the same two metrics but also on an additional one: the brand strenght.

Possible uses por Valuation "Value Plus" Aplicações possíveis para Avaliação "Value Premium"

Strategic decision making on portfolio management

Analysis of competition

Transactions based of a transfer value

Strategic decision making on portfolio management



Transaction with values determined for accounting needs


We have a team with the know-how in the relevant technical areas and support databases that constitute a privileged information tool to carry out a detailed Trademark or Patent Valuation.

Upon completion of the study, we will issue a valuation report along with a valuation certificate.

Valuation of a trademark or patent can be an important step before you set out to transfer an intangible asset if you intend to place it in a platform for buying and selling intangible assets.

If you want to perform a valuation on you trademark or patent, feel free to contact us.